What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Post Traumatic Disorder Disorder, abbreviated PTSD, is far more common than most people realize; There are more than 3 million cases per year in the US alone.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that follows the experience or witnessing of a major traumatic event. These events most commonly include:

  • Combat experience
  • Sexual assault
  • Physical assault
  • Child abuse
  • An accident
  • Armed assault or threat of armed assault
  • The unexpected loss of a loved one
  • Natural disaster

Scientists are not completely sure why some people experience PTSD and others do not. This is likely due to a complex mix of variables including genetics, past experiences, and personality differences.

It most commonly involves reliving the event through flashbacks and nightmares, avoidant behavior, and intense anxiety.

After any stressful experience, some degree of anxiety is natural. If your anxiety persists or worsens over the course of months or years, you may be experiencing the disorder.

symptoms of post traumatic stress disoder ptsd

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Any of the symptoms of general anxiety
  • Recurring memories of the event
  • Negativity, loss of enjoyment and emotions
  • Distancing from friends and family
  • Flashbacks and nightmares
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Easily frightened or triggered into an anxious state
  • Continually thinking back to the event
  • Avoiding anything related to the event
ptsd post traumatic stress disorder treatment

PTSD Treatment

If you think you may be suffering from PTSD, it is strongly advised that you see a professional as soon as possible. You should also immediately seek professional help if you feel that you may be suffering from depression or are having suicidal thoughts.

Some of the most common treatments include Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and Stress Inoculation Training.

In some cases, your psychiatrist may feel that medication is necessary to help with treatment.

Lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, yoga, and meditation should also be considered to help keep the brain healthy.

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About the Author

Years of personal experience with anxiety disorders and panic attacks have led me to devise some pretty creative ways to keep my anxiety in check. In the past, anxiety and panic attacks felt like something I'd have to live with forever. Nowadays, panic attacks are a distant memory for me, and I'm free to pursue passions like writing and traveling the world. Hopefully, the information on this website can help you achieve the same. I do all the writing here myself, so don't hesitate to reach out with questions!

Tyler Ellis

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